7 Annoying Noises That Will Make Your Cat Go Crazy

5 min readFeb 13, 2023


As a cat parent, you know that cats are incredibly sensitive creatures. They hear sounds that humans can’t, they see in the dark, and they can sense when something’s not right. When it comes to noise, cats can be particularly sensitive. Certain sounds can really drive them crazy — and not in a good way.

In this article, we’ll be exploring 7 of the most annoying noises that cats dislike and what your cat’s reaction to them could mean. We’ll also be looking at some common sources of these noises and how to reduce their impact. So, if you want to keep your kitty calm and content, keep reading!

Types of Annoying Noises Cats Dislike

When it comes to noise, cats are more sensitive than humans. They can hear higher frequencies and at louder volumes than people. That’s why some noises that we barely notice can be extremely irritating for cats. So, what kind of noises do cats dislike?

Here are some of the most common types of noises that cats find annoying:

  • High-pitched and ultrasonic noises
  • Loud music
  • The sound of a vacuum cleaner
  • Blenders, hair dryers, and other household appliances
  • The sound of a doorbell
  • The sound of a barking dog
  • Fireworks and other loud noises

What Does the Cat’s Reaction to the Noise Mean?

When cats hear a noise that they don’t like, they usually show some type of reaction. Depending on the sound and the cat’s individual personality, the reaction could be anything from mild irritation to extreme distress. Common reactions include hissing, growling, yowling, and even hiding.

If your cat is exhibiting any of these behaviors, it’s a good idea to try and figure out what’s causing it. It could be something as simple as a vacuum cleaner or as complex as a sound frequency that only cats can hear. Either way, it’s important to take note of what’s triggering the reaction so you can take steps to reduce the impact.

Common Sources of Annoying Noises

Now that we know what kind of noises cats don’t like, let’s take a look at some of the most common sources of these sounds.

The Sound of a Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum cleaners are one of the most common sources of annoying noise for cats. The sound of the motor, the whirring of the brushes, and the sudden bursts of air can all be extremely irritating for cats. Some cats may even start to associate the sound with something unpleasant, like getting brushed or getting into trouble.

To reduce the impact of the sound of a vacuum cleaner, you can try turning off the motor and using a handheld vacuum instead. This way, the noise won’t be as loud and your cat won’t be as startled by it.

Blenders, Hairdryers, and Other Household Appliances

Another common source of annoying noise for cats is household appliances. Blenders, hair dryers, and other appliances can all produce high-pitched and ultrasonic noises that cats don’t like. As with the sound of a vacuum cleaner, these sounds can startle cats and be very unpleasant to them.

To reduce the impact of these noises, you can try to keep the appliance in a different room or switch it off when not in use. You can also try to keep the volume down or introduce your cat to the noise gradually so they get used to it.

High-Pitched and Ultrasonic Noises

High-pitched and ultrasonic noises are another common source of annoyance for cats. These noises can be anything from a baby crying to an alarm clock going off. The sound can be extremely irritating for cats and can cause them to become agitated or even aggressive.

To reduce the impact of these noises, you can try to keep the volume down or switch off the source of the noise. You can also try introducing your cat to the noise gradually so they get used to it.

Loud Music

Being exposed to loud music can cause great stress and anxiety to cats, and can even lead to long-term health issues. Constant noise can be too overwhelming for cats, and the loud vibrations can cause them to become disoriented and frightened. In extreme cases, this kind of loud noise can even cause them to become aggressive or destructive.

If cats are exposed to loud music, they may start to display signs of stress, such as excessive meowing, hiding, or even aggression. It can also lead to a loss of appetite, vomiting, and changes in sleeping or bathroom habits. If loud music continues to be played, cats can start to develop physical problems, such as heart palpitations, digestive issues, hearing loss, and even seizures.

The Sound of a Doorbell

The sound of a doorbell can be extremely irritating for cats. Not only is the sound loud and sudden, but it can also be associated with something unpleasant, like visitors or strangers. This can cause stress or discomfort to cats.

You can prevent this by waiting for visitors at the entrance, so they don’t have to ring the bell and it doesn’t make your cat uncomfortable.

The Sound of a Barking Dog

The sound of a barking dog can be especially irritating for cats. Not only is the sound loud and sudden, but it can also be associated with something unpleasant, like the presence of an enemy. This can cause cats to become agitated and even aggressive.

Make sure to provide a safe spot for the cat such as a high shelf or an area that the dog cannot access. Additionally, provide plenty of resources such as toys, beds, and scratching posts for both animals. Finally, spend time playing with, petting, and praising the animals to establish positive relationships.

Fireworks and Other Loud Noises

Fireworks, thunder, and other loud noises can be extremely irritating for cats. Not only are these noises loud and sudden, but they can also be associated with something unpleasant, like danger or fear. This can cause cats to become agitated and even aggressive.

To prevent the negative effect of fireworks on your cat, keep her with you, in an enclosed area where the explosions are least audible and calm it down by petting and cuddling.


Noise can be a major source of distress for cats. Certain sounds can really drive them crazy — and not in a good way. That’s why it’s important to recognize the types of noises cats dislike and the common sources of these sounds. By understanding what triggers your cat’s reaction, you can take steps to reduce the impact of these noises and keep your kitty calm and content.

If you’re concerned about the impact of noise on your cat, it’s a good idea to speak to your veterinarian. They can help you identify the source of the noise and recommend ways to reduce its impact.

Remember, cats are incredibly sensitive creatures and certain noises can really drive them crazy. By understanding what noises cats dislike and taking steps to reduce their impact, you can help keep your kitty happy and healthy.

Want more tips? Click here and get a free E-Book: 13 SIMPLE WAS TO IMPROVE YOUR CAT’S LIFE

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Written by Pettsie

Earth-friendly cat & dog collars with 100% cotton or hemp, wooden bow tie or heart and a friendship bracelet for you in various designs.

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