Do dogs get along with other domestic animals

5 min readJul 25, 2022


You may want to add another furry member to your family, but you might be having second thoughts since you’re not sure whether your dog will get along with your other domestic animals or if other domestic animals will get along with your dog.

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Does the dog get along with the other domestic animals?

Yes, dog get along with other domestic animals. Cats, birds, chickens, horses, rabbits, and hamsters are just few of the many domestic animals that may peacefully cohabit with dogs. What matters most is your dog’s temperament and his potential prey drive are the most crucial factors to consider.

Dogs of Various Breeds That Get Along Well With Other Animals

In addition to the animals, you need to find out whether or not your dog is okay with the presence of a new pet in the home. There are certain breeds of dogs that have a low prey drive, whereas there are other kinds of dogs who have a strong prey drive. The later ones should never be kept with any other animals since they pose a threat to their health.

Let’s have a look at some of the many types of dogs that are great for houses with several animals:

Tips to make your dog get along with other domestic animals

The introduction should be done slowly and steadily

The first encounter between dogs and other domestic animals should take place in a secure outside setting that is both neutral and free of distractions. The dog and the newly added animal should be walking on loose leads, and their owners should be skilled domestic animals handlers who are familiar with canine body language.

To begin, you should let your animals walk parallel to one another on each side of the fence until they are near enough for them to pick up the smell of each other. You can also bring both animals into the area and walk them in parallel ten to fifteen feet away from each other.

If the dogs’ body language seems friendly, loose, and wagging, then you should start closing the space between them. Then, when both handlers feel comfortable with how the animals will behave, let go of the leashes and let the dogs meet one another without restraint. If at any time throughout the meeting things start to seem tight or stressful, go back to the step before this one in the process and try to take things a little bit easier.

Give the System Time to Decompress

In spite of the fact that you may have fantasized about beginning an all-day play session the minute you brought home your new animal, the fact of the matter is that if you want your dog to get along with the other domestic animals, you need to make time for them to relax and unwind together. Any domestic animal that has just found a new home, especially one that has been housed in a shelter, needs time to relax and get used to its new surroundings before it can be trusted.

Before completely incorporating your new domestic animal into the home, it is recommended that you first provide him with a calm, animal-proofed place that includes a kennel and a few toys that may be stuffed with treats, and then take your time doing so. Also, keep in mind that even dogs that like spending time together and playing might benefit from taking a vacation from one another, so be sure to include some time in your calendar for them to relax apart.

Acquire Knowledge about Canine Body Language

Dogs use a system of sophisticated communication that humans do not always comprehend, and in many situations, it occurs so swiftly that humans can not even notice it. Even if it’s only a look or the flick of an ear, our dogs are always interacting with one another or with other domestic animals.

Pet owners who pay attention to what their canine companions are saying to one another or other domestic animals are better able to anticipate when a scenario is about to get stressful. They are also better equipped to intervene and redirect their dogs before the situation gets out of hand.

Get to Know Your Puppy

Because he was the first pet in your family, the character traits that he has should serve as the basis for selecting a second animal companion. Your cat or rabbit may not appreciate your herding dog’s persistent attempts to get them to the location where he believes they should be if he is a herding breed.

That is not to imply that a herding dog will never be able to live with a small pet or that a retriever will always be delighted to share your affections; each dog has a distinct personality that determines whether or not he will coexist with other animals and who he will coexist with. In other words, a herding dog may or never be able to live with a tiny pet.

In Conclusion

Always remember that each and every canine has their own unique personality. Regardless of the type of dog you have, it is more necessary to be familiar with the temperament and activity level of your own dog.

A dog who is possessive of his territory, for instance, is unlikely to enjoy the company of a cat that is active and inquisitive. There is a possibility that an older dog with low energy may have trouble getting along with a kitten or another puppy who is high-activity. The situation may also play out in the other direction; for example, it’s possible that your hyperactive dog is the one irritating the more placid pet in question.

This, however, does not imply that it is impossible for your dog to learn how to live peacefully with the other animals in your home. They simply need a little bit more assistance from you! You also have to bear in mind that dogs get along with horses too but you have to consider horse grooming your horse for them to get along.

Want more tips? Click here and get a free E-Book: 15 SIMPLE WAS TO IMPROVE YOUR DOG’S LIFE

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Written by Pettsie

Earth-friendly cat & dog collars with 100% cotton or hemp, wooden bow tie or heart and a friendship bracelet for you in various designs.

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