Just like in humans, there are diverse personality habits in cats. Being jealous or attributes similar to jealousy is among these habits. Actually, pets act out certain aggression, competition, and authority in a way to obtain what they desire in all probability-whether a toy of preference or some additional head scratches.
Attention is usually yearned for by cats that are jealous and they get more attached than reserved cats, which may make them overreact in certain circumstances. Although, it may get annoying, to stop a cat from being jealous certain things can be done. The crucial step is to find out the reason your cat is acting this way.
Why does your cat get jealous?
When cats feel they are being kept out or they see a rapid transformation in their surroundings, they tend to get jealous just like we human. The jealousy may be prompted by a series of occurrences.
Your cat may display indications of jealousy when you focus more on another cat, a person, or an object, but cat-to-cat jealousy is the most common.
Cat’s jealousy can also be caused by having an additional relationship like a newborn baby or pet. Neglecting your cat for video games, mobile phones, and other insignificant things can also be the reason.
In addition, being poorly socialized as a kitten could make a cat mutually rely on you and show indications of jealousy most times. Also, a drastic alteration of regular habits such as your cat’s feeding plan can lead to behavioral instances such as jealousy.
Jealousy can be motivated in cats if they feel insecure due to a lack of personal space or beds. In fact, giving more toys or food to one cat can make the other cat show jealousy.
How to know when your cat is jealous
Hissing, growling, and striking the other cat or trying to attack the objects you’re giving attention to, such as your mobile phone while they are in your hands are some normal ways cats display jealousy.
While you are holding a new cat you just brought in or a video game controller, jealous cats can thrust themselves into your personal space. They may try sitting on your lap while you cuddle another cat in their stead.
Display of aggression like scratching and biting is possible to be acted by a jealous cat. Jealousy may even get them to exhibit some destructive characteristics such as chewing or tearing pieces of furniture, curtains, and some other items into strips. Items that are placed on the top surface of a counter or table such as ornaments and drinking glasses may be stricken to fall or crushed. In general, a jealous cat tends to show more aggression than a regular cat.
Your cat can start taking a leak outside their litter box to make a point in certain cases. One of the most difficult to overcome and discouraging habits for a cat owner is urine marking. Alongside being an indication that something is off with your cat, it is also not easy to clean and get rid of the smell, which may lead to continuous coloration and patterning.
Simply spraying urine on the wall and other vertical surfaces is what some cats do. Others will make urine puddles by squatting outside their litter boxes. They may squat on sofas, plastic bags, or any other random object or item they are jealous of. When it comes to jealousy between two cats, the target may be an item the other cat they are jealous of uses occasionally. For instance, the bed of a new kitten you just brought home may be marked with urine if your adult cat is envious of the kitten.
Ways to effectively cope with jealousy between cats
Handling jealousy in cats can be hard, nevertheless, some steps can be taken to get rid of or reduce the unwelcome attitude. Here are a few tips to effectively cope with jealousy between your cats.
Find out the cause
Discovering what brings about this behavior precisely is the first thing you need to do. It becomes easier to deal with the problem when you figure out the reason for the jealousy. Ask yourself what different things happened in your home.
Did a new person move in with you?
Of recently, did you bring a new kitten or cat home?
Is something you were not doing before now taking most of your time?
Has your cat’s favorite space in the house been messed with?
Dedicate more time to your jealous cat
Spending more time with your jealous cat is the easiest method to reduce jealousy between your jealous cat and your other cats that are more reserved. Under normal circumstances, additional attention can curb unhealthy behavior and there are diverse ways you can achieve that:
- Get interactive toys that let you have fun with your feline friend such as feather wands and laser pointers.
- Make it a duty to reach out to and pet your jealous cat when you arrive home or during your leisure.
- Give your cat unwavering attention for a few minutes by cuddling them on your sofa or bed.
- On occasion when your cat displays a good behavior, offer them special treats.
Get your cat a personal space
Most cats enjoy having personal space. If a new family member -either a person or animal — has been introduced, you may have unintentionally taken your cat-established area away from them.
Get your cat a place to call their own again to rectify this. You may plan to do this by relocating the new cat’s feeding station to another room, you can also get your cat a new perch where it can watch the family undisturbed. Your cat’s favorite toys should not be available to the new cat as well.
In situations whereby it is a new person in the home, keeping their personal belongings out of places your cat had possessed prior to their coming should be in your consideration. Having that person interacting with your cat in or around that location is also helpful.
Train your cat to accept it
In cases in which the subject (person, item, or another cat) of your cat’s jealousy cannot be completely avoided, make effort in assisting your cat adjust to the change. Rewarding your cat with treats, praise, and attention, and petting them when they are around the other cat make them show less jealousy. Incorporating your cat into the change whenever possible is also a good thing to do.
For example, pet or play with your cat while holding the new cat. At mealtime, make your jealous cat feel special and give them treats. Feeding the jealous cat before the new cat to affirm the former’s importance and position within the household can also help.
Cats are animals that can get jealous and displaying their jealousy may be destructive sometimes. The owner has to help the cat overcome jealousy or lessen it. Either way, there are possible ways you can go by helping your jealous cat.
You first need to find out and ascertain the cause of your cat’s jealousy; a friend, a baby, a family member, or most commonly the presence of other cats. You should also determine whether you’re giving less attention to your jealous cat. Once you have known the cause of the jealousy, you can effectively cope with their jealousy through the aforementioned ways.
Want more tips? Click here and get a free E-Book: 13 SIMPLE WAS TO IMPROVE YOUR CAT’S LIFE