Simple tips to keep your cat cool this summer

6 min readAug 9, 2021


As humans, we might love the warmth from summer days, but have you ever wondered if your cat feels the same? As a cat owner, it is your responsibility to make sure your four-legged companions are cool in the warm weather.

But are cats really bothered during summertime? The simple answer is “YES.” Cats do not only feel hot and bothered, but they are also at risk of fatal heatstroke. That’s more reason why you should keep your cat’s temperature as low as possible.

Remember, you may be sweltering, but your cat is wearing a fur coat. So summertime may bring so much discomfort to your felines if you do not take the right steps to keep them cool.

Here are some simple tips you can adopt to keep your cat cool this summer:

Provide enough water

The hot weather condition might cause frequent dehydration as cats don’t really drink well, normally. That’s why you need to provide your cat with enough water to keep them hydrated and cool.

Encourage your feline friend to drink appropriately to keep their body temperature in the normal range. You can achieve this by:

  • Keeping extra water bowls around the house
  • Tossing a few ice cubes into their bowl
  • Switching on a faucet
  • Choosing ceramic, glass, or metal bowls over plastic

Keep in mind that cats love to drink fresh water. So they tend to drink more when they encounter more sources. However, avoid keeping their bowls in sunlight, and don’t forget, cats love to drink from running water.

Create a cool sleeping spot

You can fill a bottle with water, and once it is frozen, wrap a towel around it and put it in your cat’s lounging spot or basket.

Another approach is to elevate their bed slightly to allow fresh air to pass under it. This helps to lower the temperature inside the bed.

Roll up the rug

Flooring materials like ceramic, marble, and wood do not conserve heat. Your cat would feel cool on them during summer. Little wonder, felines tend to make beeline for the bathroom during hot days. You know how it feels when you go on your bathroom tiles barefooted- the chills you get are strong. That’s what your cat longs for during summer.

More so, cats tend to stay on the tile directly in front of the air vent to their beds. So if you have such floorings, you should roll up the rug to allow your kitty to stretch out and get warmth from the tile.

If you don’t have tiles in your house, sinks and bathtubs are great alternatives. However, ensure the sink is dry, or your feline friend might reject the gesture.

Allow enough ventilation

Create enough ventilation this summer period as it helps to keep your cat cool. You can add a fan to keep the air circulating and prevent its stagnation. If you have screens in place, you can give your cat access to relax in the airflow without allowing insects to settle there.

Another way to help your cat enjoy enough ventilation is by allowing them to spend time on the balcony. If you’re worried about them falling off (from an upper apartment) or running away, you can look into children’s locks for the windows. It will help them get enough ventilation without presenting any form of hazard to your kitty.

But if you have the tilt or turn windows, you need to be careful as your cat can get stuck in it and that can be threatening to their life.

Cooling pads

Cooling pads start to make great sales as soon as summer draws close. You can get one from a pet store around you and place it in a shady spot. This is a great option for outdoor cats, but sometimes, these cats with long nails can puncture the outer covering. So it is always advisable to make your cooling pad.

You can wrap frozen vegetable packs in old towels to create a cooling pad for your cat. Your furry friend can sleep on them as they aren’t hard or rigid. And even if a nail punctures the bag, your cat is not likely to snatch a carrot or pea.

Create cooling boxes

Cats generally love cardboard boxes as they provide crucial shades for them during hot days. The interesting thing is that with some overnight planning, you can design their favorite spots with a cooling layer.

Here are some ideas for you to try:

  • Put a dry towel in the freezer overnight
  • Freeze an ice pack and wrap it in a towel
  • Fill up a water bottle with chilled water and wrap it in a blanket

These methods are effective to keep your cat cool during summer. The cooling elements provide an air conditioning system for your cat. The good part is that you can reuse everything throughout the summer period.

Schedule night time for play

One smart way to help your cat stay cool and bond with you more this summer is to save rigorous playtime for after dusk.

The body naturally demands more energy on hotter days. So you can allow your dog to take enough naps during the day to conserve energy, and during nighttime, exercise them for a long period to give out heat and stay cool.

Do not worry, your cat won’t get overheated. They’ll rather appreciate your nice gesture. Besides, you’ll also enjoy the playtime too and enjoy some benefits of exercising.

Give your cat a good brushing

Don’t joke with grooming this summertime. Ensure you give your cat a good brushing to help them maintain a clean, tangle-free coat. This goes a long way to cool their body temperature.

If your cat has long hair, consider trimming their furs to help them stay comfortable this summer. Note, however, that the white and light-colored cats have pale skins and can be at risk of sunburn. So it is better you discuss your veterinarian first before trimming these types of cats.

That said, do not become bothered when you notice that your cat is grooming itself more than normal. It is their own way to stay cool as the saliva beats the heat as it evaporates off their fur.

Make frozen treats for your cat

As summer draws close, we tend to start picturing scoops of gelato, ice cream cones, and towering glasses of shaved ice. Well, why not do the same for your feline friends?

You can make frozen treats for your cats to help them stay cool through the day. They’ll appreciate it as it helps them cool down.

Some great ideas of what you can put into ice cube trays include:

  • Tuna juice
  • Canned foods
  • Low-sodium chicken broth

Give your cat access to lower floors

Your underground spaces or basements are great spots for cats during summer as they remain cool throughout this period. The surrounding earth diffusing heat, the lack of penetrating light, and the cement walls and stones create cool retreats for your cats.

So your four-legged friends to escape to the bottom of the house during summer. Don’t be bothered as they’ll always come back to join you when the temperature eases up in the evening. If they don’t, you can decide to join them in the chill.


Cats are lovable creatures to have around, but they also feel cold just like humans during summer. Don’t be selfish to cater to only yourself; use the tips highlighted above to keep them cool during these hot days. They’ll appreciate every of your gesture and love you the more!

Want more tips? Click here and get a free E-Book: 13 SIMPLE WAS TO IMPROVE YOUR CAT’S LIFE

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Written by Pettsie

Earth-friendly cat & dog collars with 100% cotton or hemp, wooden bow tie or heart and a friendship bracelet for you in various designs.

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